Saturday, January 26, 2008

Square Foot Garden Begins!!!

square foot garden frame

Here is the first step in my square foot garden...building the frame. I took two 8ft, cedar 2x6's and cut them in half. Screwed them together with galvanized screws, lined the bottom with burlap and tadaa! Instant site for a garden! I am going to add the soil mixture later, but here's a good start. This could be used in an entry way, on a patio, on the side of the house, think of the spots that you have 4ft x 4ft in you yard or patio and you could build one of these. OR! Just build a box as big as you want and plant whatever you want as well! Enjoy mini gardening.

square foot garden indoor plant organic urban

Here are some plants that I am starting indoors, so that later I can plant them outside. Garlic (the tall ones), carrot tops (maybe they'll sprout?), and some onions and beans in the container. (which is some leftover deli containers filled with vermiculite, on top of each other to create a mini green house). The onion seeds have started to sprout, the beans are taking a little while longer.

I will continue to post updates on how my progress is going! I am curious to see how much produce I can get from this one garden and in future gardens!!!

I got all these fun ideas from:

the All New Square Foot Gardening book and website!

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